About Us

Welcome to The Reach Lab, where our focus is on your brand's overall identity and presence. We specialize in four key areas of brand building; your hook, its content, the packaging, and delivery. Foundationally, we work with you to identify your overall message by helping you dial-in your company’s, product, promise, and personality. We then use these results to create a strategy for delivering your brand to your market. We pride ourselves in creating rich, organic content and develop its growth through optimal channels and strategies that work. We use expert analysis, ensuring your brand’s message has a solid foundation for developing strong and consistent growth. This method is designed to drive more meaningful conversions. We also develop custom analytics to manage your KPI’s and test regularly to keep your momentum going as you grow.

Let's collaborate to build a stronger presence within your market and grow your business.

Skills & Services

Market Strategy


Content Creation, Marketing, and Management

Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Search Engine Optimization (SEO/GEO)

Website Development and Management

Email Marketing

Pay-per-Click (PPC)

Analysis and Reporting

Optimization Tools for Content and Images

Logo Graphic Design

Event Management

Brochure Design

AI-Leveraged Tooling

Why Use a Consultant?

Choosing The Reach Lab for a more strategic marketing option means you can propel your business forward and have a full understanding of your message to the market. You can operate more efficiently, and with less cost than bringing in your own permanent staff. As your consultant, we bring necessary and very specific expertise so we're able to offer tailored solutions that save you time and money. We focus on what you truly need, ensuring efficient use of resources and maximizing ROI. With us, you gain a partner who not only understands a fluid digital market, but innovates within it, driving growth and success. Let us handle your challenges, so you can focus on what you do best – running your business. Experience the difference with The Reach Lab: Your success is our mission.

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A Startup’s Guide to Social Media

For startups, especially in digital marketing, establishing a strong social media presence is not just beneficial, it's non-negotiable. Statistics show that 73% of marketers believe social media marketing has been “somewhat effective” or “very effective” for their business (Buffer, 2023). But how does a startup go from zero to hero in this field?

Rapid Increase in Social Media Growth

The key to success on social media today is content. Not just any content, but content that resonates, engages, and converts. Digital marketing experts often emphasize the importance of quality content over quantity and for good reason. Engaging content is only going to increase the chances of shares and interactions, which in turn grows your reach. The fastest way to gain a following is by creating content that your audience finds valuable, relatable, and share-worthy. But it also MUST generate interactions and engagement. According to HubSpot, companies who publish more than 16 posts a month got almost 3.5 times more traffic than those that published between 0-4 monthly posts and 4.5 times more leads than companies that publish between 0-4 monthly posts. The magic is striking a balance between frequency and quality.

Using Expertise for Effective Content

For startups, crafting this kind of content can be challenging, given the constraints of resources and expertise. But this is what Google’s EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) is going to look for, so as difficult as it may be, content now needs to have both Experience AND Expertise. This is where a service like Reach Lab Marketing steps in. Reach Lab helps in creating content that not only meets guidelines, but still engages and aids in conversion.

Content That Sells

The secret sauce to content that sells lies most importantly in understanding the audience. It's about creating content that addresses their needs, answers their questions, and ignites their curiosity. If it’s engaging, it should spark involvement and/or conversions. This approach builds trust and authority, turning followers into customers. Remember, it's not just about selling a product or service; it's about selling an experience, a solution to a problem.

What Does All Of This Mean?

For startups in the digital marketing world, the path to social media success is paved with strategic content creation. The right content can sling-shot a small company’s brand presence to resonate with its specific audience. Services like Reach Lab Marketing can be invaluable in this journey, offering expertise in creating content that not only tells your story but also sells your vision.

The “All-In” Question

As you reflect on your social media strategy, ask yourself: Are you telling a story that your audience wants to hear, and are you ready to turn your social media presence into a digital legacy?

The Double-Edged Sword: Overbidding in Google Ads

In the world of online advertising, Google Ads still reigns supreme. It's a powerful tool, but like any tool, it can be misused. One potential pitfall? Overbidding. While it can seem like a shortcut to the top of the search results, it's crucial to understand the hidden costs and drawbacks before diving in.

Imagine this: You're jockeying for the top spot for a high-competition keyword. You bump up your bid, pushing your ad to the coveted first position. Success, right? Not necessarily. While you'll likely see increased clicks and impressions, be prepared for a potential budget blowout. Overbidding often leads to inflated Cost-Per-Click (CPCs), draining your budget faster than a leaky faucet.

But the financial woes are just the tip of the iceberg. Overbidding can also:

  • Stifle ROI: Every click you pay for isn't guaranteed to convert. If your inflated CPCs don't translate to sales, your return on investment (ROI) plummets, rendering your campaign ineffective. Not to mention, there’s no such thing as attribution, but that’s a different blog post.
  • Attract the wrong crowd: Higher bids might snag more clicks, but are they from the right audience? Irrelevant clicks waste your budget and skew your campaign data, making it harder to optimize for conversions. One way to address this is to create a monster negative keyword like within your GA account.
  • Spark a bidding war: In a competitive landscape, your overbidding can trigger your competitors to do the same, escalating costs for everyone involved. It becomes a battle of who can spend the most, not who has the most relevant offering. Know who benefits the most? Google. Know who knows this? Google.

So, what's the alternative? Strategic bidding. Meticulously analyze your target audience, research relevant keywords, and set bids that maximize your reach while staying within your budget. Utilize automated bidding strategies like Target CPA or Maximize Conversions to optimize your bids based on campaign goals. Remember, the goal isn't just to be seen, it's to be seen by the right people at the right price.

Overbidding in Google Ads can be tempting, but it's rarely a sustainable strategy. By prioritizing smart bidding practices and focusing on targeted reach, you can navigate the competitive landscape without breaking the bank and achieve your advertising goals more effectively. Remember, it's not about outspending your competitors, it's about outsmarting them.

SEO vs. GEO: Navigating Different Currents:

Think of SEO as optimizing your content for specific search algorithms, ensuring your ship appears where users are actively searching. GEO, on the other hand, focuses on navigating the currents of generative AI engines, which synthesize information from various sources to provide personalized responses.

Instead of targeting keywords, GEO involves crafting content that resonates with the unique way GEs understand and present information. It's about predicting how your content will be consumed and interpreted by these AI systems, ensuring it surfaces when users seek answers within these platforms.

Why Should You Care? The Impending Tidal Wave:

The rise of GEOs is undeniable. Experts predict they'll soon become the primary source of information for many users, bypassing traditional search engines altogether. Imagine your content being invisible in this new landscape – a chilling prospect for any digital marketer.

Proactive Adaptation: Charting Your Course with GEO:

At Reach Lab Marketing, we believe in equipping our content management clients with the tools to thrive in this evolving digital sea. We offer comprehensive GEO consultancy and implementation services, helping you:

  • Identify key GE platforms and user behaviors.
  • Craft content tailored to the unique characteristics of GE information retrieval.
  • Optimize website architecture and metadata for GE visibility.
  • Continuously monitor and adapt strategies as the GEO landscape evolves.

By partnering with Reach Lab Marketing, you gain access to expertise and insights that ensure your content remains relevant, discoverable, and engaging in the face of these transformative changes. Remember, it's not about clinging to outdated tactics; it's about embracing the future of content discovery and proactively navigating the uncharted waters of GEO.

So, the question remains: Are you ready to weather the GEO storm and keep your content afloat? Contact Reach Lab Marketing today and let's chart a course towards success in the new era of content discovery.